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S7 Equity is a private investment company that works with qualified investors to access and invest in private placement markets. We let investors pool their assets together so to make investment accessible or leverage our technology and invest yourself with the degree of support you decide
Browse different investment opportunities based on your investment terms, size, type, risk preference, etc.
Invest for as little as $30,000 in real estate opportunities that have been pre-vetted by our experts
Investment entitles customer to potential income and appreciation without the hassles of direct property ownership
Reap the rewards, if any, through potential cash distributions generated from income and appreciation or repeat the process
President & VP Real estate
VP Financial & Technology
VP Operations
Public Relations Manager
Interest free and mortgage free investment with a special focus on the investment impact
Your confidentiality is a priority for us and is highly protected
We want to turn our customers into loyal ones. Customer satisfaction is our top priority
Running some deals that are not available for public
We leverage technology in all stages of the value chain, from sourcing the deal until closing it.
Different investment opportunities that fits all the investment needs and risk profiles.
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S7 Equity, Inc. (“S7 Equity”) is not an investment advisor, a registered broker-dealer or crowdfunding portal. S7 Equity does not endorse any of the opportunities that appear on this website, nor does it make any recommendations regarding the appropriateness of particular opportunities for any investor. Investment opportunities with S7 Equity are speculative and involve substantial risk. You should not invest unless you can sustain the risk of loss of capital. Our actual results and financial condition may differ materially from those indicated in the forward-looking statements. Therefore, you should not rely on any of these forward-looking statements. All reviews are extracted form our Technology service provider. Important factors that could cause our actual results and financial condition to differ materially from those indicated in the forward-looking statements
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